Digital Campaigns – The Need of the Hour


“The Right Time to Start Digital Marketing was yesterday, it always was so. The world has not waited, and will not start to do so now. Grab any and all ammunition and commence a structured campaign at the earliest.”

Digital marketing is a good way to connect with the right crowd for your company.That’s why every company has a window opened towards social media and that’s exactlythe same reason why you should be one step ahead of your competition to make the most of the virtual world.

From organic SEO to paid advertising, search engine marketing is at the core of digital marketing strategies. We at Majestic focus on 3primary aspects that will help promote your website across various search engines.

Ranking of Keywords:

A clear understanding of keywords is critical as it frames the backbone to any SEO campaign. Rank checking tools come in handy in analysing how well a specific keyword or group of keywords will perform on a particular search engine; and where that website ranks. They also point out how popular the keyword has grown over time. Rank checking tools that we recommend are – Link Assistant’s Rank Tracker and Rank tracker.

Link Analysis Tools:

The link analysis provides in-depth data about historic inbound links and also helps to detect fresh links.The most important tool is Google Search Console (formally known as Webmaster Tools).The tool is free and provides the most important source of inbound links data available.This is so as it comes directly from Google. We also recommend these other tools

Paid advertising:

Online advertisement:is a billion dollar industry, with digital ad spending worldwide hitting

$50.00B in 2014,

$60.00B in 2015,

$$68.82B in 2016

And projected to hit $77.37Billion in 2017.

Options likePaid Channel Pricing (PCP) Models and Pay per click (PPC) which is available on Google ads and Facebook give a vast range of choices on how to promote your advertisements on social media. Instagram also has a sponsored Ad option for paid online advertising.

Social Media Ads!
The portion of budgets allocated the world over for Social Media Ads is to the tune of approx.$24.00Billion.


We sincerely hope this write up gave an insight to search engine optimisation and helpsguide you on the use of SEO tools and further research on the same.

Majestic People Infotech provides various SEO services and it mainly focuses on building small business and enabling them to have an online presence.

Do visit our website

for more information on this and many other things IT.

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