Boosting Online Reputation and ROI in 2020


The economy of India and neighbouring regions has been digitized a lot in the past couple of years. Everything or rather every business exists on the web. This can in the form of websites or web applications and other software. However the competition is immense. As mentioned, every business, organization or professional has a presence on the web. Hence customers have many choices. Why should a customer choose the products or services of a business over others? The key performance indicator for this is online reputation. Every modern customer or client is connected to the internet and it is the biggest marketplace.

Boosting Online Reputation

This blog discusses methods to boost your company’s online reputation as well as the returns on investment for the upcoming year.

The Design and User Experience: A website or web application is your digital visiting card/brochure. It is the first view that prospective customers will have of your products or services. Hence it needs to be visually appealing, possess a good navigational structure as well provide good User experience. These terms sound familiar and repetitive? Well, you still have to check them as trends and customer preferences change often, but your website doesn’t. Hence, your website may need redesigning and/or your online application may require enhancements for continuing to impress customers.

Social Media Strategies: Your business or enterprise should have valid profiles on all social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn in addition to video streaming sites such as YouTube. Every internet user and many prospective customers spend their browsing time mostly on social media websites. Hence, you need to have an official page for your business that shares regular posts and continues to engage with all profile visitors. Professional relationships can be forged with strangers who have chances of become genuine leads and of consequently getting converted into sales.

Blogs/Newsletters: These are two of the easiest as well as most popular methods of bringing more traffic to your website as well as maintaining the interest of existing website visitors. Blogs or periodic newsletters are similar to digital salesmen who converse with existing and prospective customers. The only difference is that these conversations will be in the form of texts in contrast to voices. And, these can be the unique selling points of your website and/or digital presence. That is, they can convince website visitors to engage with your business and not move to the websites of competitors. Moreover, these blogs and newsletters can revolve around current trends or requirements though the core subject will be of the products/services you provide. This is indirectly the most cost-effective method of advertising.

Search Engine Optimization: A lot has been spoken and written about this concept. Want a simple one-line definition? Search Engine Optimization is using good descriptions of your website/application/products or services on search engines to convince internet users to pay visits. You may have eye-appealing website great content and attractive products/services. But how will the audience know about it? For a response, consider the first thing any consumer of today does when he or she requires finding a product or service matching their requirements in a locality. The consumer searches the internet! And, this consumer will most possibly choose any of the websites that come on the first page of the search results. Search Engine Optimization helps your website get there.

Online Reviews: This is the general mindset of Indian consumers. He or she purchases the latest washing machine or goes for the services of a software application development company in India based on what other people have to say. That is the reviews! Hence, your business should facilitate people to leave reviews on your website, social media platforms as well as through streaming videos. Let others give good reasons why your business should be given an opportunity. However, such reviews should be filtered and only productive ones should be shared with the public.

Customer Support: Customers or perhaps every person enjoys interacting with a person who listens rather than only speak. Similarly, you need to deliver prompt responses to queries from your existing customers or prospective ones who interact with features on your website. This can in the form of live-chat applications or proper call-to-action functionalities on a website. Website visitors should feel that they are interacting with a live person and not a machine. Comments or reviews left by web-visitors should be given prompt responses that are not delayed by more than a day.

These points sound valid, don’t they? Majestic People Infotech is a website designing and software development company in Coimbatore, India that can give you more customized solutions that are unique to your business. Mail us, call us or visit our office; the mode of communication is your choice.