Why is Outsourcing Needed for Your Business?


Outsourcing here refers to technological expertise that could cover designing websites, developing software applications, providing search engine optimization as well as digital marketing services, and more. Your business may be operating in a different sector and would not have the time or the funding to invest in full-time technical resources. And, the need to outsource software development may only be for a particular project. It may not make any sense to recruit a full-time team of technological experts just for that project.


Hence, the alternative option is to procure the business process outsourcing services of a company like Majestic People Infotech. With outsourcing, you can get the benefits of:

Lesser Costs: This is the foremost advantage in outsourcing your technical business processes. You will not need to permanently hire qualified employees just for the same of a temporary requirement. The cost of recruiting employees (full time or part time) could also be much higher in your region when compared to a marketplace for IT outsourcing such as India. When you outsource software development or website designing projects to India, you will only have to pay a mutually agreed amount per hour or per day in which work is done for your project and not hefty salaries per month.

Experienced Professionals: It is very difficult to find experienced professionals these days to work for a single project. Moreover, the process of seeking skilled resources and verifying their qualifications can be lengthy. This delay in finding resources will not be suitable for immediate projects or immediate technological requirements. But this can be solved by outsourcing your project to experienced professionals who know what they are doing.

Focus on Core Business: As mentioned, technology may not be your main line of business. However, a sudden requirement to design a website or develop a custom software application for your business could demand a lot of your time which otherwise could have been used to increase the productivity of your core business. Business Process Outsourcing is the perfect remedy for this as all the technological work can be outsourced to another company, while you focus on your core objectives. A manager will be present to supervise progress of the project and give you regular updates. This will be a winner for you on all counts.

Majestic People Infotech (MPI) is an experienced software development and web designing company in India. We specialize in meeting all the technological outsourcing requirements of businesses located in the United States, Europe, Middle East, Malaysia, Singapore, China, South Africa, Australia, and more. Maximum client satisfaction has been achieved in all our outsourcing projects because of the client-focused approach our experienced team undertakes in every project. The advantages of outsourcing software development, web designing, search engine optimization and digital marketing process to MPI are:

Experience: We have a qualified team of developers, designers, analysts, and consultants who have delivered optimal solutions to clients from all across the world.

Technical Expertise: Our team remains updated with the latest advancements in technology including the latest wireframes as well as the latest versions of popular content management systems such as Drupal, WordPress and Sitefnity.

Client-Focus: We maintain continuous engagement with clients throughout the project with our client-focused approach. Strategies are customized to meet the unique requirements of every client and relevant solutions are delivered for the same.

Flexibility: We offer the flexibility of working on your preferred time zone. Also, our outsourcing services are offered on project-basis as well as on the basis of months, weeks, days, and hours.

Boosting Online Reputation and ROI in 2020


The economy of India and neighbouring regions has been digitized a lot in the past couple of years. Everything or rather every business exists on the web. This can in the form of websites or web applications and other software. However the competition is immense. As mentioned, every business, organization or professional has a presence on the web. Hence customers have many choices. Why should a customer choose the products or services of a business over others? The key performance indicator for this is online reputation. Every modern customer or client is connected to the internet and it is the biggest marketplace.

Boosting Online Reputation

This blog discusses methods to boost your company’s online reputation as well as the returns on investment for the upcoming year.

The Design and User Experience: A website or web application is your digital visiting card/brochure. It is the first view that prospective customers will have of your products or services. Hence it needs to be visually appealing, possess a good navigational structure as well provide good User experience. These terms sound familiar and repetitive? Well, you still have to check them as trends and customer preferences change often, but your website doesn’t. Hence, your website may need redesigning and/or your online application may require enhancements for continuing to impress customers.

Social Media Strategies: Your business or enterprise should have valid profiles on all social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn in addition to video streaming sites such as YouTube. Every internet user and many prospective customers spend their browsing time mostly on social media websites. Hence, you need to have an official page for your business that shares regular posts and continues to engage with all profile visitors. Professional relationships can be forged with strangers who have chances of become genuine leads and of consequently getting converted into sales.

Blogs/Newsletters: These are two of the easiest as well as most popular methods of bringing more traffic to your website as well as maintaining the interest of existing website visitors. Blogs or periodic newsletters are similar to digital salesmen who converse with existing and prospective customers. The only difference is that these conversations will be in the form of texts in contrast to voices. And, these can be the unique selling points of your website and/or digital presence. That is, they can convince website visitors to engage with your business and not move to the websites of competitors. Moreover, these blogs and newsletters can revolve around current trends or requirements though the core subject will be of the products/services you provide. This is indirectly the most cost-effective method of advertising.

Search Engine Optimization: A lot has been spoken and written about this concept. Want a simple one-line definition? Search Engine Optimization is using good descriptions of your website/application/products or services on search engines to convince internet users to pay visits. You may have eye-appealing website great content and attractive products/services. But how will the audience know about it? For a response, consider the first thing any consumer of today does when he or she requires finding a product or service matching their requirements in a locality. The consumer searches the internet! And, this consumer will most possibly choose any of the websites that come on the first page of the search results. Search Engine Optimization helps your website get there.

Online Reviews: This is the general mindset of Indian consumers. He or she purchases the latest washing machine or goes for the services of a software application development company in India based on what other people have to say. That is the reviews! Hence, your business should facilitate people to leave reviews on your website, social media platforms as well as through streaming videos. Let others give good reasons why your business should be given an opportunity. However, such reviews should be filtered and only productive ones should be shared with the public.

Customer Support: Customers or perhaps every person enjoys interacting with a person who listens rather than only speak. Similarly, you need to deliver prompt responses to queries from your existing customers or prospective ones who interact with features on your website. This can in the form of live-chat applications or proper call-to-action functionalities on a website. Website visitors should feel that they are interacting with a live person and not a machine. Comments or reviews left by web-visitors should be given prompt responses that are not delayed by more than a day.

These points sound valid, don’t they? Majestic People Infotech is a website designing and software development company in Coimbatore, India that can give you more customized solutions that are unique to your business. Mail us, call us or visit our office; the mode of communication is your choice.

Ensuring that Your Web Design Effectively Generates Leads


“A web design may be great but it is of less use to a business unless it is optimized to search engines.”
This is true as the purpose of a website is to attract potential business from online visitors. But when there are thousands (if not more) of business websites that offer the same products or services; why should a web user visit yours? The question of “why” may depend on the unique strategies of each business, but the “how” is simpler and has been in the news for a long time. This is also highlighted in Google’s latest algorithm update which states that the basic qualities required in a website to be features in top rankings include:


• Good content with apt keywords and with a tone that reflects the latest trends
• Visually appealing site structure with proper placement of menus and tabs
• Better User Experience

Here is each quality described in detail:

Content: This refers to everything on your website. It can include texts, images, graphics, videos, and even accurate meta-descriptions while indexing your site in search engines such as Google. The content of a website can be broadly defined as anything inside the designed structure. It is the voice if your website is a body. The content of a website should interact with website visitors as they could include prospective clients. Interaction here means that the content of your website shouldn’t seem as wordings of an academic text book. Website visitors should see a solution in each line of the content. Besides, the content should be modelled for the target audience. For example, if you run an educational organization, the content should be suitable for students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders. These characteristics are mandatory for your site’s search engine optimization and also to grab the attention of online consumers.

Site Structure or User Interface: Your website’s content should be properly organized. Visitors should be able to locate required information with ease. Besides, the site should be easily navigable and all content should be represented with short texts in different menus. In fact, the designing of such menus and placing them in right spots of the website also have valid importance. There are 8 types of navigation menus such as drop-down menus, hamburger menus, footer menus, and sidebar menus among others. The most apt one needs to be selected for your website depending on the amount of content it covers. Special consideration should also be given to ensure that your website is responsive to all devices include mobiles and androids.

User Experience: This is the process of creating products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. User Experience is important because it tries to fulfill the user’s needs. It aims to provide positive experiences that keep users loyal to the product or brand. Consider this illustrated example; a user is visiting your website. He is immediately greeted with an explainer video or a brightly colored homepage. He is then greeted by a chatbot inquiring what his purpose in visiting the website is. Then when he visits a particular page, a functionality which language he would like to view the content in. These are just some examples of good user experience on a website. In summary, User Experience is about personalizing the browsing experiences of each visitor.

These features mentioned above are necessary for a website to attract visitors and then effectively convert them to leads. It is not everyone’s cup of tea and requires the services of an experienced website designing company. Majestic People Infotech (MPI) is a prime example of this as we give life to text, media files and functionalities of a website. MPI has always ensured that websites we design feature good content, organized site structures and an appropriate User Experience. Contact us or drop by our office to learn more.

SEO or Social Media Marketing – Which One should Your Business Choose?


Digital campaigns and promotions are a necessity of every business today. There are several options available, some of which have not even been utilized accurately by a large section of businesses. This is indeed the case of small to medium sized companies and start-ups that are just beginning to learn the tricks to achieve commercial success. Search engine optimization and social media marketing are two important aspects of digital campaigns. Each one has its own advantages. However, the volume and speed of their implementation may depend on factors that include the type of your business, the objectives, the target audience, and the budgetary limits. So which should your business choose?


Benefits of SEO:

Lesser Costs: This is one of the primarily crucial points to understand when opting for SEO campaigns. They do not involve payments for thousands of advertisements or repetitive costs to maintain a high flow of traffic to your website. With just a single upfront cost, the SEO Company in India that you select will implement strategies to achieve a higher ranking for your website on search engine results. In contrast to paid advertisements, your traffic will not decrease once the ad stops. Besides, there are no fixed costs for every SEO campaign. These can be modulated according to your specific business objectives, size of audience.

Google Impact: The first thing internet users do when they have a requirement is to search on Google. This major search engine has high credibility in India as well as other parts of Asia. Most business SEO strategies (if not all) are cantered around being ranked among the top in the first page of search engine results. Hence, if your business is listed in these top results, its reputation will simultaneously increase by a large margin. A common concept is that if a company or business is listed on the top of Google’s search engine results, then it should be a reputed and trusted one. This is regardless of your size or years in the business.

High Competition: Several other businesses, organizations as well as independent professionals are investing on SEO processes in India. Every major company or business is listed in Google search engine results. Is your business visible among them? If not, customers will virtually regard your company as non-existent. The competition is high today and this will continue for the rest of the year and beyond. It is highly recommended that you contact a provider of SEO services immediately.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing:

Popularity: Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are virtually used by everyone in the urban population. Social Media Marketing enables your business to be visible 24/7 whether or not customers have the necessity. A thin life of difference here is that you may not always provide products/solutions/services for particular demands. Instead, you indirectly generate that demand. Social Media Marketing also enables you to reach out to a target audience based on a special locality, age-group, interest, and gender. With this unique targeting feature, your advertisements can also be targeted at a specific audience for a particular time period such as festivals.

Adaptation to Customer Mood: The moods or interests of the common public as well as prospective customers are immediately known on social media platforms. People of different interests, communities, origins, and even levels of income pour their hearts out on such platforms especially that of Facebook. You can study the mood of the buyer and his or preferences for products/services. Analysis can also be done on the current trends and the types of advertisements that have the most potential of grabbing customers’ attention. Marketing and advertising strategies can be fine-tuned based on these insights.

Word of Mouth: This is massive on social media platforms and has several additional benefits attached to it. A separate page can be created for your company or brand-name on Facebook and a community can be built around it. It needs to be kept in mind that posts and opinions shared on social media platforms will go viral. Positive reviews from existing clients and news about your latest products/services as well as your responsiveness to customers will be spread to millions within seconds!

Majestic People Infotech has subject matter expertise in providing services of both search engine optimization and social media strategy. We have provided such solution to varied industries including retail, manufacturing, education, and tourism among others. Contact us to discuss the unique SEO and social media marketing strategies that we can implement for your business.

Go Digital With Majestic People Infotech


The Internet rules the current business economy. Period. There is no doubt about that. In fact, almost every single registered business across the world has its own website. But is this enough? A website is simply a stylish presence for your business on the World Wide Web. But there is a lot of competition and you need to draw customers to your place for registering higher sales. This is the core factor why you need to go for a digital marketing company like the Majestic People Infotech (MPI).
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