Top Technologies used to Develop Mobile Applications


Mobile Application Development is already dominating advancements in technology and has become an essential part of any business strategy. However, developing these applications is not everyone’s cup of tea. A professional mobile application development company in India with expertise in all technologies, experience in mobile app development and focus on cost-effectiveness is required. Such a team will recognize that selecting the right mobile technology stack is mandatory for a successful application. Hence, Majestic People Infotech reviews and lists the top mobile development technologies that you can choose from:

1. PhoneGap

PhoneGap also known as Apache Cordova is an open source software that uses programmes such as CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript to create native apps. Using the same technology, a single mobile app can be developed for multiple platforms such as Android, Windows and iOS. That is, it won’t be necessary to use different stacks to develop mobile apps for different platforms. Moreover, PhoneGap allows mixing native and hybrid code snippets which results in apps that are neither truly native mobile nor web-based applications.

2. Appcelerator

This open-source framework can be best used for developing hardware-based apps. Examples include applications specifically for a mobile’s Central Processing Unit (CPU), batteries, Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM), removable storage such as memory cards, input components such as mouthpiece or keyboard, and output components such as earpiece or screen. This tool uses HTML, PHP, and JavaScript to create native apps for iOS, Android and Windows UWP.

3. RhoMobile

This is also an open-source framework that allows native app development for multiple platforms. It uses web technologies such as CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript and Ruby, to build apps for most major operating systems including iOS, Android and Windows. RhoMobile helps organizations to optimize their IT resources for creating cost-effective and innovative solutions that help businesses in India.

4. WidgetPad

There are multiple open-source frameworks available for mobile app development and WidgetPad is one of the best among them. Advantages of open-source frameworks include compatibility with other software and Lower license fees among others. WidgetPad uses JavaScript and HTML5 to offer a multitude of options that include source code editing, versioning and distribution. It enables mobile app development platform for Android, iOS and web.

5. ReactNative

React Native apps are compiled into natively written code, which enables React Native to not only work on both operating systems, but also have same features on both platforms with no lag. Another significant advantage of using React Native is Live Updates. With the extensive use of JavaScrip,t updates can be implemented directly in users’ devices instead of depending on the app store update cycle.

These are just among few of the top mobile application development technologies in the past two years. We have expertise along with experience in using all of them for the development of mobile applications. Majestic People Infotech is a software development and mobile app enhancement company in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Reach out to us for a quick discussion. We will analyze your requirements, conduct research on the target audience and will provide you with most cost-effective solution of the highest quality.

Advantages of mobile app development outsourcing


Technology continues to advance aggressively but recent developments have indicated that businesses across different parts of the world as well as across India may have a tough time in keeping up with these advancements. Speaking about advancements in technology; a concept that is rapidly making an impact on business, as well as other operations, is a mobile application. It must be well-known that a mobile application is a software application that is designed to run on a mobile device. Several companies are identifying its advantages and wish to develop customized mobile applications.


But they may not have enough resources, presence of technologically qualified staff and/or the required funds for the same. Hence, the suggested alternative is to opt for outsourcing to companies such as Majestic People Infotech (MPI). We are an experienced mobile application development company located in Coimbatore, India. MPI has experience in fulfilling requirements of outsourced development activities for clients from different parts of the world as well as from across India. We recommend you to also outsource app development processes because;

Reduced Risk Factors

Unpredicted events or natural disasters such as the recent outbreak of Coronavirus could have serious impact on businesses. There could be no restrictions on travel, government regulations on workspaces, and more. Bad weather conditions such as sudden storms could also play spoilsport to installed infrastructures. MPI’s mobile app outsourcing services give the perfect solution as our team is always active; either in the office or in remote locations. There will be no delay or hindrance in our provision of services.

Continuous Support

There could be instances which require suggestions/recommendations for the best technology, platform and cost to develop a mobile application. This may not be a part of a company’s main line of business. Examples include an educational institution as well as a financial organization like a bank or insurance company. A government department like that of public transport can also be an example. For these clients, the process does not stop with the development of a mobile application. Again, outsourcing centers in India like MPI can solve this by offering support and maintenance services whenever required.


A company or retail business can concentrate on its core operations while MPI takes care of all that is involved in a mobile application development process. This will ensure a lot of time is saved and that unnecessary money along with resources are not spent on technological processes. Mobile app development outsourcing can be very beneficial in conducting business even during challenging times such as health disasters and others.
Lesser Expenditure

This benefit can eb extended to other aspects of IT Outsourcing as well. Businesses and commercial enterprises need not hire full-time staff for a specific requirement of the mobile application or any other form of technology. An outsourcing company like MPI will assign only the required staff members along with charging only for the specific time that is used in completing a client’s requirements. It will indeed be cost-effective.

In conclusion, outsourcing your mobile app development process and/or other Information Technology requirements to MPI can ensure that your business functions smoothly without any interruption. Reach out to us for more discussions.

Increase Success of Digital Transformation with Mobile Applications


Digital transformation is now the objective of every business across the United States. The mood everywhere is to sacrifice older habits and adopt to the new business model which is associated with digital transformation. This is not solely about integrating digital solutions into different business departments. Digital transformation focuses on how a business is operated and how it can provide value products/services to end-consumers. And, a mobile application is the crux of any business digital transformation. This is because mobile has surpassed desktop usage has become the primary method of accessing the internet.


Majestic People Infotech is mobile application development company located in Coimbatore, India with clients from different parts of the country as well as the world. In this post, we explain how mobile apps can ensure success for the digital transformation of a business or professional organization.

Productivity and Efficiency:

Business systems can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. This could be very useful at times of pandemics such as the recent outbreak of coronavirus. The liberty to move around while completing jobs enable employees to be more productive. People don’t need to sit at their desks to get their job done. Utilizing mobile applications for business management also introduces flexible schedules and remote working options, which are attractive to younger professionals.

Higher Engagement:

Almost everyone in a city or urban area across the country has a mobile phone. It may be of a different size or model, but a mobile phone has become like a necessity today. And this is the easiest way to reach prospective customers as well as maintain the loyalty of existing ones. A custom brand application can be developed with allows consumers to shop from their mobile devices and/or receive updates of the latest products/services.


There can be perfect coordination between employees in an office and employees on the field. An example is between management and field-sales professionals of a firm. Such a mobile app can be used to share updates and track the locations of employees. This type of coordination also increases the level of transparency involved in teamwork. By implementing a custom mobile application, businesses can digitally control users, systems, and approvals.

Provision of On-Demand Services:

That’s one of the winning points in a mobile application. The end users can purchase your products or procure your services from anywhere and at any time. This encourages more leads to become your customers and ensures loyalty among existing customers. It may resemble an e-commerce web application but the difference here is that a mobile app does not require the user to be seated in a single place.

Workflow optimization:

Mobile software systems enable team leaders to formalize workflows and analyse the team’s performance with future optimizations in mind. Such tools can be combined with various project management methodologies such as agile or the Scrum framework. Since mobile apps can be equipped with powerful analytics features, it’s easy to identify process bottlenecks or potential roadblocks.

Majestic People Infotech develops several types of mobile applications for companies including enterprise applications, database applications, internal chat apps, mCommerce apps, and more. Reach out to us for a quick discussion on the mobile app solution we can provide your business.

How Mobile Applications Offer Benefits to Different Industries


Competition is very high in business these days and the recent trend of automation along with dominance of the internet has made it tougher. Technology in many forms is advancing at breath-taking speeds and it is high-time that businesses in India as well as neighbouring regions join the bandwagon. Speaking about technological advancements, the rising popularity of mobile applications and enterprise mobile applications need to be highlighted.

Female human presenting a presentation using the latest sophisticated devices. Woman wear formal working suit introducing how smart gadget works. photo of modern life.

A mobile application can be defined as a software programme that operates on mobile platforms such as smartphones, androids, tablets, iOS devices, and more. Well, that is already known. The factor that still hasn’t been explored to a great extent is how mobile applications can be beneficial to businesses. Several companies still not feel that mobile applications are necessary in their respective IT investments. The common argument is that they already have websites; then why are mobile applications required? This is a misconception.

“Mobile Applications are completely different and serve other purposes when compared to websites.”

A website is like a digital visiting card while a mobile application is your product. The reason why your business also needs to develop a customized mobile application is simple. Almost every consumer owns a smart-phone or android today. Chat-messenger applications such as WhatsApp and easy access to the internet with digital plans offered by various operators make a person spend most free time in front of his or her smart-phone.

Hence, developing an enterprise mobile application can capture the attention of these prospective-consumers as they continuously use mobile devices. Such mobile applications can be offered free to customers through downloads from online play stores or the company’s website. However, the benefits that mobile applications offer to businesses may vary according to the relevant industry or sector. Here are some of them:

Banking & Finance

These sectors can have several benefits by developing unique business mobile applications. Applications can be developed which will enable customers to do conduct banking transactions or apply for loans from any location and at any time. The easiness along with not needing to visit banks or finance institutions directly will encourage more consumers to the services you offer. Chat APIs can also be integrated with mobile applications. A little bit of AI can also boost the prospects of banking and finance mobile applications. People can pass any query or concern they have from the convenience of mobile phones and get immediate responses.


There are several e-commerce platforms on the web, but their growth on mobile devices is still limited. E-commerce is simply sharing the products or services that a company offers on the web. Existing customers and prospective ones can place orders on such platforms and have the goods delivered right to their homes. What if one could place orders, purchase or procure services right from their mobile devices? There is a lot of potential in this for business of all sizes and industries in addition to individual professionals. Retail stores, brand-names, lawyers, and medical professionals are just a few examples of those who can increase business by developing e-commerce applications.

Travel & Tourism

Transport operators and tourism agencies can benefit a lot by developing mobile applications that showcase what they uniquely offer. The travel packages offered, the various destinations and feedback of previous clients are just some of the many aspects that companies in this industry can include in a mobile application. Small-to-medium scaled businesses in this industry can also attract huge businesses as travellers just need to use a mobile application to schedule trips.

These are just a few of the many industries or businesses that will receive benefits from mobile applications. We understand this as Majestic People Infotech (MPI) is an experienced mobile application development company in Coimbatore, India. MPI has developed mobile applications as well as cross platform applications for clients from various sectors and regions. We invite you to discuss with us in person, through mail or through phone calls about how we can help your company for developing a mobile application.